Dunks For Humanity: The most important player the rest of the year

Welcome back to For The Win’s new NBA game show!

Welcome back to For The Win’s new NBA show, Dunks For Humanity, where we talk about the latest hot-topic issues in the NBA.

You know how this game works — think Cards Against Humanity, but NBA style. There’s a statement on a card pulled by the host of the show and the panel has to fill in the blank on the card with their best answer. The host chooses which answer was the best and whichever panelist is chosen is the winner of the segment.

Today’s segment, hosted by our own Charles Curtis, poses the question of “________ is the most important player the rest of the year” to our panelists Bryan Kalbrosky, Evan Thorpe, and Mike Sykes.

You don’t want to miss their answers. Unless you’re Ja Rule. If you’re Ja Rule, sorry buddy, you caught a stray.