Duke’s Coach K raves about Jayson Tatum’s evolution in new interview

Mike Krzyzewski could speak highly enough of his former player’s growth since joining the NBA.

Boston Celtics All-NBA wing Jayson Tatum is $195 million richer after signing his rookie extension, a young father and the undisputed leader of his team at just 22 years old, and one of the people who helped shape him into the man he is today couldn’t be prouder.

We are speaking about Duke Men’s basketball head coach Mike Krzyzewski, who shared some thoughts on his former player in a recent interview shared by Duke’s Twitter account.

The Celtic star was a one-and-done prospect who played for the Blue Devils in their 2016-17 season, drafted third overall by Boston in the 2017 NBA draft.

“We couldn’t be prouder of Jayson Tatum,” offered the Duke coach on the nascent NBA superstar.

“He was so good here, and he had so much more potential to develop. Also, he had the desire, the passion and commitment to develop that potential — and you see it. He’s an All-Star in the NBA. He’s going to be — he already is — one of the top players.”

“He’ll probably be one of the top five to ten players in the league for a long time,” he added.

Krzyzewski noted that the Duke product’s success wasn’t a singular effort as well, crediting his team and support network for contributing to the player he has become.

He also praised Tatum in a broader, more important sense.

“I’m really pleased he went to an amazing organization, so well coached,” began Coach K. “His family has provided a great foundation for him.”

“And besides playing basketball — in fact, even more importantly — I’m proud of the father he is,” the Duke coach related.

“I think it’s amazing the relation that he has developed with his son Deuce. You talk about a youngster in his early twenties, could be selfish [and] just looking out for your own career and it’s just the opposite for Jayson. Deuce comes first, and then his career. That’s the balance I think that has made him such a good player.”

“We love Jayson, and we’re so proud that he’s part of our brotherhood,” closed Krzyzewski.

While a lot of us Celtics fans may happen to feel a certain way about the Blue Devils at the NCAA level, we could agree with Coach K more when it comes to the star forward currently sporting jersey No. 0.

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