Drew Lock plans to throw with Broncos WRs ‘when it is socially acceptable’

Broncos quarterback Drew Lock plans to get teammates together for offseason throwing sessions “when it is socially acceptable.”

Broncos quarterback Drew Lock was planning to get together with teammates this offseason for some throwing sessions before those plans were postponed due to COVID-19.

Lock could work out with wide receivers and tight ends while maintaining social distancing but the QB didn’t want his teammates to all travel to a central location while many state authorities have discouraged travel.

When — if — things get back to normal, Lock hopes to get some passing sessions in with his teammates before the start of training camp.

“When it is socially acceptable to do that and have the best interest of everybody as far as health goes — I’m going to keep that in mind first — but once that is ready, we’re going to have all of those guys out there,” Lock said during a Zoom conference call on May 5. “I’ve got all of them on a text.

“Whenever we pull the string, whenever the professionals say it’s OK, whether that’s the NFL or whether that’s actual CDC, whichever one, we’re going to have them ready. We’re going to get out there. We’re going to start throwing and get this chemistry down and get things rolling.”

Lock is following the lead of former Broncos QB Peyton Manning, who used to take teammates to Duke each offseason for throwing sessions. Manning has been serving as a mentor for Lock, who went 4-1 last season.

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