Drew Brees completes an insane workout because ‘something must be brewing’

About those Russell Wilson to New Orleans rumors …

Last we saw Drew Brees, he was completing 19-of-34 passes for 134 yards while tossing three interceptions in a New Orleans Saints playoff loss to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Brees has made a regular habit of exceeding all expectations, and even though I watched his regular season pretty closely I did not expect him to reach new levels of washed in the playoffs. He did.

It sure felt like the end.

Afterward, he blew kisses to his family. He shared a touching moment with Tom Brady later that evening, that included Brady tossing a TD to one of his sons.

While the Saints have yet to aggressively move to find his replacement, we’ve all sort of been operating under the thought that something would shake out.

Until this:

So what we have here is Drew Brees pushing some sort of street sled, going beyond the accepted distance, turning around and chugging it back up hill.

It’s pretty beastly. (Also, what is with Chase Daniel’s workout fit? Get it together, man.)

Todd Durkin, the San Diego-based trainer who posted the video, annotates it with a few thoughts, including, “Not sure why he’s so cra-cra today but something must be brewing.”

We can probably assume that what’s brewing is …. another season of NFL football, right? If Durkin is hinting at, like, Brees questing to dominate his age bracket in an upcoming 5K that would be quite anti-climactic.

If Brees was, in fact, announcing his intention to return by having this video hit the internet this weekend, it’s just a little bit awkward because the mayor of New Orleans is now openly courting Russell Wilson.

Brees is 42, and just went through a brutal season:


Should he return? That’s for him to decide, but of course not. Take your millions and go do other things, man (like play golf; Brees was reportedly supposed to play with Tiger Woods on the day of the accident). See you in Canton for the ceremony in a few years.

But it sure appears as though Brees may consider giving it one more run. In an offseason sure to be dominated by the QB carousel, this is yet another subplot to watch.

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