Draymond Green (rightfully) does not love the idea of basketball players playing on an aircraft carrier

Basketball outdoors presents challenges.

In case you missed it, the Gonzaga and Michigan State men’s basketball teams are preparing to play a neutral-site game against one another on an aircraft carrier this upcoming season. The matchup would occur in San Diego

The game, slated for Veterans Day (November 11th), will come on the 11-year anniversary of the 2011 Carrier Classic between MSU and North Carolina, a game that the Tar Heels won 67-55. The matchup also featured plenty of eventual NBA talent, including Harrison Barnes, Reggie Bullock and Draymond Green.

As Green caught wind of the likely 2022 game, he took to Twitter to voice his thoughts.

Despite not having the experience of playing a basketball game on a carrier, I can understand Green’s stance.

High-level basketball is supposed to be played in a gym — it’s where all games and practices are held throughout the year and mostly throughout players’ lives. Breaking away from that comfort zone could be tough.

Not only that but there are the physical conditions that play an even bigger factor. I mean, they are playing on a carrier! In the 2011 game, there were contingency plans to move the game to the main hangar below deck should rain be an issue. But even the wind and air quality could lead to some extra moisture on the court, which would lead to some potential unnecessary consequences on a player’s body.

Coming from a former collegiate and professional basketball player, the risk of injury is not worth the memories, albeit some very cool ones I’m sure.

So, I’m siding with Draymond.

Nevertheless, his opinions probably don’t change anything and mine certainly do not. Looks like we’ll see some more Carrier basketball come November.

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