Dooley’s Dozen: Florida football’s 12 seasons following bad bowl losses

After Florida’s disappointing loss to UCF in the Gasparilla Bowl last year, here’s a look at the 12 seasons that followed bad bowl losses.

It was two days before Christmas a year ago and Gator fans were basically picked up by their collective feet and paddled on their bare bottoms. UCF 29, Florida 17.

It was one final (we hope) example of Team Quit. It meant that the upstart Golden Knights and their fans had bragging rights and Florida was stuck with its third losing season in the last nine years.

It was an embarrassing way for an embarrassing team to go out.

Many of those players are back and have been shocked back to life with Billy Napier brand paddles. UCF is a distant memory, almost as if it never happened.

But it did and became part of Gator lore, that dark chapter of embarrassing bowl losses stuck in the back of the book.

Some UF teams have responded well to bad bowl losses. Others. Not so much.

The Dooley’s Dozen today looks at how 12 teams responded to mind-numbing bowl losses (and they are kind of ranked in order of stink).