Dooley’s Dozen: Behind the numbers of the Heisman Trophy

Take a look at some off-the-beaten-path numbers behind the Heisman Trophy over the years.

There are times when I am so grateful to have been covering Florida football during its heyday and one of those times is this weekend.

Because this is Heisman weekend and I was lucky enough to be there for three of them – one Danny and two Tebows.

I consider it the biggest honor any athlete can get because it stays with you forever. There is a reason there is a Heisman house. I asked [autotag]Steve Spurrier[/autotag], who won it in 1966, about that and he said, “The biggest individual honor, yes. But you’d rather win SEC championships and national championships.”

But it got me to thinkin’ (Andy Griffith reference) about the history of the award and some interesting tidbits about the stiff-armed one. So, here we go with another Dooley’s Dozen: 12 things you need to know about the Heisman.