Dooley’s Dozen: 12 potential fatal flaws in Florida’s 2023 opponents

Pat Dooley surveys the Florida Gators football schedule and picks out one major Achilles heel for each program they face in 2023.

A lot can happen in three months.

By the time we get to Week Zero or Week One or Week Whatever, the personnel of any team on Florida’s schedule can change.

So, of course, can the starting lineup as a season goes along because of injuries, suspensions and NIL deals gone bad.

All we can do as the summer approaches like a sticky, sweaty ball of humidity is look at what we think you have.

I think, therefore I evaluate.

In this Dooley’s Dozen, I am giving you a potential fatal flaw for each team on Florida’s schedule. I think this makes me the 61st support staff member of Billy Napier’s army.