Really, what is pressure?
Some of the greats will tell you they never felt it. Others will say that they put so much pressure on themselves that outside pressure doesn’t matter.
And there are those athletes who are flop-sweating so badly you hope their moms aren’t watching.
Pressure is real, whether it is creating a diamond from coal or turning a finely tuned athlete into mush on the field.
It eats away at the soul of some whether they are coaches or players or even just fans. Gosh, there are some of you still recovering from old Georgia games.
In the latest edition of Dooley’s Dozen, we look at a program with a lot of pressure and in this case that pressure is created by two things – the expectations of the Gator Nation and consecutive losing seasons.
Have fun storming the castle, boys, because this is a schedule that is going to ramp up that pressure as we look at the 12 Gators feeling it the most with the start of the season less than two weeks away.