Dooley’s Dozen: 12 football games we wish we had a do-over for

If only we had a second chance to right these 12 wrongs in Florida football’s history.

There are times when it is important to remember the past even though some college football teams are still doomed to repeat it.

But it has always been my philosophy that you have to suffer before you can truly enjoy the happiest moments of your life as a fan.

That’s why I do this to you.

And for this edition of Dooley’s Dozen, I bring back some really bad memories. But with a caveat.

What if you could go back in time and get a mulligan? A do-over? A second chance?

Well, not YOU specifically. I don’t think any of you are catching Lindsay Scott.

But if the coaches knew what was coming, maybe it would have changed the course of history. Yeah, I know. There is no such thing as time travel. But we can still dream as we look at Dooley’s Dozen Do-Overs for Florida football.