Donald Trump on Rockets GM Daryl Morey: ‘He must be pretty good’

In talking to Rockets owner Tilman Fertitta, U.S. President Donald Trump weighed in on GM Daryl Morey’s controversy involving China.

The fallout from the October 2019 tweet by Houston Rockets GM Daryl Morey in support of a Hong Kong protest movement could cost the NBA hundreds of millions of dollars due to the backlash from China.

But it hasn’t cost Morey his job. In October, NBA Commissioner Adam Silver said there was “no chance” of discipline for Morey over his comments, citing support for freedom of expression.

On Monday, the controversy made headlines again thanks to U.S. President Donald Trump, who referenced it in comments to Rockets owner Tilman Fertitta. Fertitta, who also owns the Landry’s Inc. restaurant empire, met with Trump at a White House roundtable for restaurant executives regarding the financial impacts of COVID-19.

Here’s how the conversation went, as it pertains to Morey:

Fertitta: You know, it’s funny you brought up China. I should’ve realized it was going to be a bad year for China when my general manager tweeted out, you know, “Freedom for Hong Kong.” That started my year.

Trump: “Yeah, he did cause you a little ruckus. Whatever happened to him, by the way? Is he still working for you?

Fertitta: Yes, he is.

Trump: He must be pretty good. [laughter]

Fertitta: It’s a trick question, but he is.

Trump’s joke was in reference to the decision to keep Morey in place as GM, despite the financial consequences for the Rockets and the league. Chinese authorities had reportedly asked for Morey to be disciplined.

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Trump, who referred to Rockets stars and former league MVPs James Harden and Russell Westbrook as “good players,” went on to ask Fertitta about the future of the 2019-20 NBA season. In response, Fertitta expressed optimism that the season would eventually resume.

Morey was instrumental in bringing both Harden and Westbrook to Houston via trades from Oklahoma City in 2012 and 2019, respectively. He’s widely viewed as one of the league’s brightest basketball minds.

Morey has led basketball operations for the Rockets since his promotion to the GM role following the 2006-07 season. In 2018, he was voted by his peers as the NBA’s Executive of the Year.

During his time in charge, the Rockets have not had a losing record and have advanced to the playoffs nine times, including to the Western Conference Finals in 2015 and 2018. Prior to those years, Houston had not advanced that far in the NBA playoffs since 1997.

With a 40-24 record at the time of the NBA’s current COVID-19 hiatus, the Rockets are also a virtual lock to also make the playoffs in 2020 — should the season ultimately resume.

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