Dodgers’ Brusdar Graterol struck out Sam Hilliard with the silliest 102 mph pitch of the year

What’s a hitter supposed to do with this?

Los Angeles Dodgers reliever Brusdar Graterol has some of nastiest stuff in all of Major League Baseball right now and those skills were on display again last night in Denver when he struck out Sam Hilliard with three very ridiculous pitches.

Like, I don’t know how anyone is supposed to get in the batter’s box and do anything with the stuff Graterol throws.

What’s even more impressive about this is how effortless he makes it all look. Graterol threw two 102 mph pitches during this at-bat and he did it out of the stretch with not a lot of physical movement.

Check out these three pitches:


That last pitch was just silly.

What are you supposed to do there as a hitter!?

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