Doc Rivers wants Ray Allen at Kevin Garnett’s jersey retirement

Former Celtics head coach Doc Rivers wants Ray Allen at Kevin Garnett’s jersey retirement ceremony when their former team honors he Hall of Fame nominee next season The feud between Allen and members of the Banner 17 title core has shown little sign of thawing since Allen and former teammate Paul Pierce made nice in 2017 The rest of the group has not proven to be so magnanimous Instead, they seem to hold onto the perceived betrayal of Allen departing Boston for less money with a rival Doc Rivers told ESPN

Former Celtics head coach Doc Rivers wants Ray Allen at Kevin Garnett’s jersey retirement ceremony when their former team honors he Hall of Fame nominee next season The feud between Allen and members of the Banner 17 title core has shown little sign of thawing since Allen and former teammate Paul Pierce made nice in 2017 The rest of the group has not proven to be so magnanimous Instead, they seem to hold onto the perceived betrayal of Allen departing Boston for less money with a rival Doc Rivers told ESPN