Doc Rivers, Seth Curry react to big bounce back night in Sixers win

Doc Rivers and Seth Curry react to a big bounce-back effort for the Philadelphia 76ers in a win.

Philadelphia 76ers guard Seth Curry has had a rough go at it recently after his return from testing positive for COVID on Jan. 7. The guard missed two weeks and then returned and had a big game on Jan. 22, but then he looked like he was out of sorts.

He entered Saturday’s matchup against the Brooklyn Nets just looking to get on the scoreboard after going scoreless for two straight nights. He responded in a big way on Saturday scoring 11 points and he knocked down a couple of triples. He had eight points in the third in helping Philadelphia beat the Nets 124-108 at home.

“I thought early on, he was still a little slow,” said coach Doc Rivers. “Then you can see, I think it was in the third quarter, maybe even the second, he scored a couple of buckets. Started getting loose, you can see he started moving better so that was really a positive sign for us. I think it’s the first time since he’s been back, other than the first game, that he looks relatively normal.”

Curry left Thursday’s game against the Portland Trail Blazers at halftime after telling Rivers he didn’t feel good. In the current climate, the Sixers did not hesitate when they pulled him.

On Saturday, he began feeling like himself again.

“I felt a little bit better, honestly, even in the first half,” said Curry. “Even when I wasn’t making shots I feel better than I have the past week or two. I think the key for me tonight was I was able to just get a little bit of my burst back and have more energy out on the floor offensively and defensively.”

It is not easy getting back into a groove after a battle with COVID. It affects a person’s energy and that is what happened with Curry recently. The important part is that Saturday was a good step in the right direction for him.

“I didn’t, obviously, shoot the ball and finish the way I’m used to and the way I want to,” he added. “I think my focus tonight was finding good shots and play with good energy offensively and when I play energy, I create stuff for myself but also my teammates.”

The Sixers will continue to work with him and get him back on track starting with a road trip on Tuesday against the Sacramento Kings.

This post originally appeared on Sixers Wire! Follow us on Facebook!

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