Did an Ole Miss staff member create fake Twitter account to create bulletin board material?

It appears an Ole Miss staff member created a fake Penn State football fan account on Twitter to generate some bulletin board material for the Rebels.

How desperate does one have to be to come up with motivational tactics for a bowl game? In the case of at least one member of the Ole Miss football program, it seems creating a fake social media account was necessary.

Fisher Ray, an offensive assistant for the Ole Miss football program, allegedly created a fake Penn State football fan account on X, formerly known as Twitter, to post some bulletin board material singling out a couple of players on the Ole Miss roster. Worst yet, Ole Miss head coach Lane Kiffin reshared the post on his account, either blindly resharing content he comes across without thinking or knowingly feeding into the attempt to drum up some fake motivation for his team as they prepare to play Penn State.

Unfortunately, it did not take long for internet users to dig into the origin of the so-called fan account, and all signs pointed directly back to the Ole Miss staff.


We’ll see if this bizarre tactic paid off for Ole Miss or backfired.

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