Destiny 2 cheat creators agree to pay Bungie $13.5 million

The settlement comes almost one year after Bungie filed a lawsuit against Elite Boss Tech.

Elite Boss Tech will pay $13.5 million to Bungie for infringing copyrighted Destiny 2 materials.

According to Torrentfreak, Bungie accused Canadian software company Elite Boss Tech of breaching copywrite law in addition to money laundering, fraud, racketeering, and numerous Computer Fraud and Abuse Act violations. Elite Boss Tech is behind several popular Destiny 2 cheat domains, including Veterancheats and LaviCheats. Bungie also stressed that this malicious software cost the company “exorbitant amounts of money” while damaging Destiny 2’s reputation. 

“This permanent injunction is binding against Defendants worldwide, without regard to the territorial scope of the specific intellectual property rights asserted in the Complaint and may be enforced in any court of competent jurisdiction wherever Defendants or their assets may be found,” the settlement reads via official court documents. “Any violations of this order by Defendants will subject them to the full scope of this Court’s contempt authority, including punitive, coercive, and monetary sanctions.”

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Bungie filed the lawsuit against Elite Boss Tech in August 2022, so this settlement is coming less than a year later.

It’s becoming increasingly common for game developers to take legal action against cheat companies. Bungie teamed up with Ubisoft and Riot over similar situations. It might sound extreme, but hackers can ruin online multiplayer games quickly, thus affecting the developer’s bottom line.

Written by Kyle Campbell on behalf of GLHF.

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