Deion Sanders pettily gifted his signature shades to the entire team just to annoy Jay Norvell

He’s dishing out shades to his whole team AND the First Take crew

Deion Sanders will always find a way to turn anything into a business opportunity. That’s just the way he is.

So when Jay Norvell complained about how Sanders always wears his own signature sunglasses, of course, he flipped that into making everything about those very sunglasses.

He did that by gifting everyone — and I mean EVERYONE — with pairs of these joints.

RELATED: Jay Norvell’s beef with Deion Sanders is great for college football.

First, Sanders had pairs of his signature shades dished out to his entire team. After the Buffaloes put the shades on, Sanders told the team that not only was the game personal now but Norvell also just helped him with business.

And, by business, he meant selling his sunglasses.

“I look fly, I look good. On my momma, on my hood.” Dog. The jokes write themselves. Shoutout to Jay Norvell, man. Sanders is going to ride this one into the sunset.

He wasn’t done here, either. He also gifted ESPN’s First Take crew with pairs of the shades, too.

He hit them with another tagline, too. “You know you got to be right. You got to be tight.” All these adults sitting there with shades on, man. Norvell has got to be somewhere SEETHING right now.

Fans were loving this, though.