DeAndre Hopkins to Cardinals fans: ‘Who said I want to leave?’

DeAndre Hopkins to Cardinals fans: ‘Who said I want to leave?’

Another twist has come to the DeAndre Hopkins trade saga.

The 2023 NFL draft came and went and Hopkins remains with the Arizona Cardinals.

Now he’s put into question whether or not he even wants to be traded anymore with a bit of an off-beat video.

Hopkins posted to his social media account on Instagram and posed a question: “Who said I want to leave?” The All-Pro receiver also tagged his location as he’s back in Arizona.

Well the answer to that question is Hopkins. He is the one that requested a trade and was granted permission from the Cards to seek one.

So… that’s strange. Hopkins’ latest comments come after last week he called the Bills a “great organization” and even previously expressed interest in playing for other teams in the NFL, including Buffalo.

Naturally all this comes about while Von Miller has provided intel. Miller claims Hopkins wants to be a Bill.

For reference, here’s Hopkins’ post to Instagram:

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