Daxton Hill makes NFL draft decision

We now know his final decision after weeks and months of speculation.

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Michigan football fans knew back in 2018 when Tulsa (Okla.) Booker T. Washington five-star safety Daxton Hill chose the Wolverines, it was likely only going to be three years of him in Ann Arbor. But, as the 2021 season wore on, fans hoped that perhaps he could come back for his senior year.

However, that dream is dead now.

On Thursday, Hill took to Instagram to thank fans, announcing that he’s declaring for the 2022 NFL draft.

I would like to thank God for placing me at the University of Michigan and for giving me an opportunity to represent myself and my family. My experience will be remembered forever because of how I was welcomed into the Michigan Family.

I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for all of the coaches who have invested in me along with my teammates and friends who have helped me get to this point in my career. Your encouragement has kept me motivated throughout my time here at Michigan and for that, lam extremely grateful.

I want to give a special thank you to my family for the strong support system you all have given me. Without your consistent love and support, I wouldn’t be half of the person I am today.

It’s been a long, unforgettable journey that I’ve had these past three years which has shaped who I’ve become. After much prayer and thoughtful consideration, I have decided to enter the 2022 NFL Draft.

Thank you. #GOBLUE


Without Hill, Michigan football will have some big shoes to fill. However, it has three safeties from the 2020 class still in RJ Moten, Makari Paige, and Jordan Morant, along with six defensive backs coming in via the 2022 recruiting class.

Hill played three years, but technically has two years of eligibility he’s leaving on the table.

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