Dana White: Laura Sanko ‘knows she’s like the Ronda Rousey of commentating’

Dana White had nothing but praise for Laura Sanko after her UFC pay-per-view commentary debut.

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LAS VEGAS – [autotag]Dana White[/autotag] has nothing but praise for [autotag]Laura Sanko[/autotag]’s UFC pay-per-view commentary debut.

Sanko joined leading man Jon Anik and former two-division champion Daniel Cormier at the commentary desk for Saturday’s UFC 293 event at Qudos Bank Arena in Sydney.

Sanko started out with roles for Dana White’s Contender Series and Road to the UFC before getting her wish to call a pay-per-view event. The UFC CEO showered Sanko with compliments and said people can expect more pay-per-view commentary showings from her in the future.

“Laura is a beast,” White told MMA Junkie and other reporters following Dana White’s Contender Series 62 at the UFC Apex. “She has worked so hard. I say this all the time, the key to being successful in life is knowing what you want do.

“Once you know who you are and you know exactly what it is you want to do, you get up everyday and you grind until you get it, and she is the perfect example of that. What she’s done in such a short amount of time is amazing. She’s so talented.”

Sanko became the first female of the modern era to commentate a pay-per-view event, and White expects her to open plenty of doors for females looking to break into this role – just like Ronda Rousey did for female fighters.

“She’s a true professional. She knows she’s like the Ronda Rousey of commentating,” White said. “She knows she’s first, she knows she’s carrying the banner for women to break into this role, and she’s doing everything she can to make sure she’s always the best she can possibly be.”

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For more on the card, visit MMA Junkie’s event hub for DWCS 62.