Dallas Cowboys pull off miracle comeback, stun Atlanta Falcons

The Cowboys overcame a 20-point deficit, executed an onside kick and got a last-second field goal to stun the Falcons

The Dallas Cowboys were down 20-0 and 29-10 and thanks to the Atlanta Falcons practicing social distancing on an onside kick, Jerry Jones and America’s Team are 1-1 following a miraculous 40-39 victory Sunday.

Dak Prescott scored his third touchdown of the game to bring the Cowboys within 39-37 in the final minutes. All Atlanta had to do was recover the onside kick.

And the odds have gone to the favor of the receiving team. It can touch the ball anytime. The kicking team has to wait for it to go 10 yards. Someone forgot to tell the Falcons.

A few plays later and Greg Zuerlein, who executed the onside kick, drills the 46-yard field goal for the win.

The Falcons actually led by 15 with less than five minutes left. And then the earth fell out from beneath them.