Dale Pruitt discusses returning to Marion County, Tennessee football

Dale Pruitt returns to Marion County.

KNOXVILLE — Dale Pruitt has returned to Tennessee.

He is now a head coach in the Volunteer State at the same time as his son, Jeremy, at the University of Tennessee.

Pruitt returns to Marion County High School in Jasper, Tenn. to serve as head coach in 2020. He previously was head coach at Marion County from 2004-05 and is entering his 38th year as a head coach with previous stops at Dade County (GA, 2019), Albertville (AL, 2015-18), Plainview (AL, 2006-14, 1984-2000), Fort Payne (AL, 2001-03), and Pisgah (1982-83).

He has a 291-146 overall record as a head coach.

Pruitt joined the show “Tennessee Two-A-Days” to discuss returning to Marion County and University of Tennessee football. The show, co-hosted by Rush Propst, can be listened to here or below. There is some background noise as Propst was attending an event.

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