Dad-to-be Sean McVay gave a hilarious answer when asked about changing diapers

When his son arrives, Sean McVay won’t have any issue changing diapers – “until he poops on my face”

In addition to being the head coach of the Los Angeles Rams, Sean McVay will soon become the father of a baby boy. He and his wife are expecting their first child this October, which means the Super Bowl champion will add diaper duty to his job description.

McVay isn’t going to sit on the sidelines and watch the diapers get changed. He’s going to put himself right in on the action and get his hands dirty – up to a point, at least.

McVay was asked if he’s going to be the diaper-changing type, and he was emphatic about handling that part of being a dad … until the little one poops on his face.

“Damn right, man. I’d get dirty with this!” McVay said. “I’m not just gonna go hands off. I’ll get right in there until he poops on my face or something like that.”

All jokes aside, McVay couldn’t be more excited about welcoming a son to his family. When asked what type of challenge that will present, he immediately called it a blessing.

“I think it’s a blessing,” he said. “You talk about really having a purpose in terms of the purpose of why you coach is to help these players, be the best influence that you can, be a good example for the coaches, continue to collaborate. Well, when you bring a child into this world, that’s been one of the coolest things I’ve witnessed from some of my closest friends, is watching just the way that, man, how that changes people in all the best ways because of what that addition to your family creates.”

McVay’s attention right now is on getting the Rams ready for the start of the season, but he’s prepared to fully embrace his new role as a dad in the coming months.

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