Cut! These 30 great NFL players were released by their teams

Todd Gurley may have been a surprise cut by the Los Angeles Rams on Thursday afternoon, but he can take solace in being far from the only great player who’s been served his walking papers. Here’s a look at 30 of the best NFL players who have ever …

5. Wes Welker

(Getty Images)

The Texas Tech receiver signed as an undrafted free agent with the Chargers in 2004 and returned kicks in Week 1 but was cut when the team claimed a safety off waivers. He went on to make a name for himself in Miami and then made it big in New England. A few years after his brief stint in San Diego, the coach of that team, Marty Schottenheimer, told Welker, “of all the players I’ve been involved in releasing, the decision to release you was the biggest mistake [I] ever made.”