Could Celtics find more help overseas like Theis, Wanamaker, Larkin?

Could the Boston Celtics keep the flow of overseas talent to their roster going this offseason? We analyze three proposed such prospects in this article.

The Boston Celtics have struck gold with overseas prospects a number of times in recent years, and — pandemic permitting — might again, with some luck.

Players like Shane Larkin, Daniel Theis and Brad Wanamaker have all found significant roles with the Celtics, and while it’s not looking good for center Vincent Poirier to stick with Boston next season, the book is still open on how his story ends.

With a roster crunch currently besetting the roster, it might not make a lot of sense to be looking all the way across the proverbial pond for potential point guards, big men and bench scorers, but the Celtics could easily consolidate one or several roster spots beyond what the deal and draft will fill.

And in that case, an overstocked roster could quickly shift to one in need of bodies — and bodies capable of helping off the bench on a contender.

The Playgrounder’s Matt Esposito put together a trio of prospects currently ensconced overseas the Celtics might have interest in — let’s take a look at what they came up with.