Coronavirus Task Force ‘not doing the right thing behind data’

Coronavirus Task Force briefing: April 18

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WASHINGTON – The Coronavirus Task Force conducted another press conference Saturday at the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room in the White House.

Saturday’s briefing was highlighted by questionable statistical data being given to American citizens regarding the coronavirus pandemic.

Frank Engelsman, CEO of Ultrascan Research and founder of Ultrascan-AGI, previously discussed American citizens not fully trusting information being presented from Dr. Deborah Birx and Dr. Anthony Fauci during Coronavirus Task Force briefings.

“I think the numbers and data the task forces worldwide have put out – as they also say not complete – are not accurate and therefore are misleading,” Engelsman said. “Close to all cases admitted to IC’s are classified as corona related. Something is very wrong with the profiling of patients by corona symptoms as released by Chinese officials.”

Trump Coronavirus Task Force press briefing at the White House
Coronavirus Response Coordinator Ambassador Debbie Birx delivers remarks on the COVID-19 pandemic as President Donald Trump points to a chart at the White House in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, April 18, 2020. Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Pool/Sipa USA

Further information presented by Birx at Saturday’s Coronavirus Task Force briefing highlighted statistics that are not trusted.

This time it was in reference to Birx displaying China’s mortality rate as 0.33 percent.

President Donald Trump quickly questioned Birx’s slide with China’s data which is the epicenter of COVID-19.

“Excuse me,” Trump told Birx. “Does anybody really believe this number? Does anybody really believe this number?”

Birx replied that she “put China on there so you could see how basically unrealistic this could be.”

“When highly developed health care delivery systems of the United Kingdom, and France, and Belgium, and Italy, and Spain, with extraordinary doctors and nurses and equipment have case fatality rates in the twenties, up to 45, and Belgium is extraordinarily competent health care delivery system, and then China at 0.33, you realize that these numbers, even, and this includes the doubled number out of Wuhan,” Birx continued in her reasoning to Trump. “So I want really to put it in perspective, but I wanted you also to see how great the care has been for every American that has been hospitalized, and the extraordinary work of our doctors and nurses, and our laboratorians on the front line who have been doing an excellent job.”

Trump then questioned Birx’s statistics for Iran on her slide that she was presenting to Americans.

Birx listed Iran’s mortality rate as 6.06 percent.

“Also, the number for Iran,” Trump questioned Birx. “Does anybody really believe that number? You see what’s going on.

“Put that slide back, if you would. Does anybody believe this number? Does anybody believe this number? You saw more bags on television than that.”

Birx concluded by thanking “the data team who puts these together for me.”

“They are working until about 3:30 every morning to make sure that we have the most up-to-date information,” Birx continued. “That’s the data that goes to our supply chain individuals, to ensure that every hospital, in every state, and every community has what they need based on data, and to make sure that we’re serving the needs of the American people as effectively as possible.”

Following Birx’s chart of statistics on display Saturday at the press briefing, Engelsman noted that “getting facts right is important to make sure history is not distorted or placed in the wrong context.”

“I do not remember when it came in to fashion to hide not doing the right thing behind data, especially when the first numbers to establish a baseline are skewed from the beginning,” Engelsman said of Birx’s statistics provided to American citizens.

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