Coronavirus: NBA advises against high-fives, caution with autographs

The NBA has issued recommendations to teams and players on avoided coronavirus, with guidelines including not to high-five fans.

If your favorite Oklahoma City Thunder player doesn’t reciprocate your high-five attempt next time you try, don’t be offended.

The NBA sent a league memo to players on Monday with recommendations on how to avoid the coronavirus, according to the Associated Press.

Among advice was to avoid high-fiving fans and not to take items for autographs including sharpies or the item to be signed itself.

The league is encourages fist bumps in place of the high-fives.

Other tips included avoiding contact with people who are sick, keeping yourself and surroundings clean and stay up-to-date on vaccines.

The NBA is taking other precautions. The beginning of the inaugural Basketball Africa League season was postponed due to the outbreak, according to CNBC.

Basketball isn’t the only sports league in the United States with concern.

The MLB issued similar recommendations regarding autographs, leading some teams to plan on signing balls in the clubhouse and throwing them out to spring training fans, according to ESPN’s Jeff Passan.

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