Cordarrelle Patterson lobbying for Bears to give Allen Robinson a contract extension

It seems like everyone not named Allen Robinson are getting extensions, and he certainly deserves one. Just ask Cordarrelle Patterson.

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It’s safe to say everyone is getting impatient when it comes to the Chicago Bears giving Allen Robinson a contact extension. It seems like everyone not named Robinson are getting extensions. And if there’s a player that’s earned a contract extension, it’s Robinson.

Heck, it’s even gotten so far that Robinson’s teammates are starting to speak up. Receiver Cordarrelle Patterson has essentially been lobbying for the Bears to sign Robinson to a contact extension. And it’s been happening for a while.

“Allen Robinson is so special,” Patterson told reporters Friday. “I tweet all the time trying to extend ARob. He is so professional. He knows the playbook inside and out. He is so smart. I want him to get extended.”

There’s no question that Robinson is Chicago’s best offensive player and one of the reasons why they weren’t the worst offense last season. Despite questionable quarterback play and an offense crumbling around him, Robinson had a career-best 98 receptions for 1,147 yards and seven touchdowns.

Robinson is entering the final year of his original three-year, $42 million deal with the Bears, and he’s no closer to signing an extension.

General manager Ryan Pace has been known for handing out contract extensions prior to the start of the regular season — players like defensive tackle Akiem Hicks, nose tackle Eddie Goldman and offensive linemen Cody Whitehair and Charles Leno Jr. among them.

While Pace said there’s no deadline to get an extension done ahead of Sunday’s season opener, it’s certainly concerning that there have yet to be any serious contract negotiations. Especially for a player that Pace recognizes is so important to this team.

So what’s the hold up?

One thing is clear, Robinson’s price tag is only going to continue to increase as other receivers sign massive extensions and when he puts together what’s sure to be another impressive season.

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