Conor McGregor is no Ozzy Osbourne when it comes to ‘Take Me Out to the Ball Game’

It wasn’t SO bad?

Yes, I’m actually out here defending Conor McGregor, and not because I’m worried about running into him if I wrote the opposite take.

But, look: The MMA superstar threw a pretty awful first pitch on Tuesday at a Chicago Cubs game. That much is true.

Then? He sangย Take Me Out to the Ball Game during the seventh inning stretch, as celebs have been known to do at Wrigley Field, and McGregor is getting a lot of hate for his off-key rendition that included a few missed words.

Fear not, Conor. I’m here to defend you! Because: How many times has he heard that song? How many times has he sung it in front of giant crowd? And was it as bad as the all-time awful Ozzy Osbourne rendition?

Hey, at least he tried to sing the words, as opposed to … this:

I rest my case.

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