Colin Cowherd has a really bad take on Michael Jordan

Colin Cowherd bashes former UNC and Chicago Bulls star Michael Jordan after a report he plans to sell the Charlotte Hornets.

News broke earlier in the week that Michael Jordan was in the process of selling a majority share of the Charlotte Hornets as talks began. If Jordan does sell his majority share, he still will have some small ownership stake in the team.

But days after the news, one national analyst decided it was time to bash Jordan.

Colin Cowherd released a video on his platform The Volume, talking about Jordan’s career and how he would be nothing without Scottie Pippen and Phil Jackson.

“So, he tried baseball. He failed. He tried ownership, he was awful. He tried the Wizards, it bombed,” Cowherd said. “Take out Scottie Pippen and Phil Jackson, this whole Michael Jordan mythology is sort of just that.”


Cowherd is entitled to his opinion but these seems to be more than just that, I’m guessing. Is he looking for clicks? Does he really believe this?

Either way, we here at Tar Heels Wire think he’s wrong and the accolades that Jordan has on the court prove that point. But to each their own, I guess.

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