Clayton Raines will not commentate the 2021 League of Legends World Championships

The shoutcasting legend wants to focus on his health for now.

Clayton’ CaptainFlowers’ Raines is one of League of Legend’s most iconic commentators, but the 2021 World Championship Series will have to do without him. Though not for any other reason than Raines wants to make his mental and physical health a priority.

“I’ve been pretty open these past few years about how poorly I’ve been doing overall,” Raines said in a Twitlonger post. “My physical and mental health are both a long way from where I’d like them to be. I still never get enough sleep, and I haven’t been able to motivate myself back into the gym since everything first shut down last year. I lost all my momentum with my personal stream, and I love making content as a creative outlet.” 

Raines continued: “How does this relate to Worlds? Worlds is an all-encompassing event when you’re working it, and it lasts for over a month. It undoes all your routines, plans, and habits. The schedule usually flips everything upside down, and it’s hard to have much of a life outside of Worlds. These changes are harder for some people than others, and I’ve always been one of the people who don’t adapt well. Even before everything shut down in 2020, international events were largely remote for on-air talent, and it’s always been tough on me.”

Read the full statement from Raines for yourself below.

Raines then goes on to apologize for his decision, particularly the fans. Stressing again, this was his choice alone and had nothing to do with Riot Games or anyone else. Hopefully, Raines will feel comfortable returning by the time the next big League of Legends event happens.

Written by Kyle Campbell on behalf of GLHF

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