Chris Evans ‘stayed focused’ in working towards reinstatement

ANN ARBOR, Mich. – As his roommate, Michigan VIPER Khaleke Hudson had a front row seat to everything that happened surrounding running back Chris Evans. The would-be senior tailback was set to be the leading rusher now that Karan Higdon had …

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ANN ARBOR, Mich. — As his roommate, Michigan VIPER Khaleke Hudson had a front row seat to everything that happened surrounding running back Chris Evans.

The would-be senior tailback was set to be the leading rusher now that Karan Higdon had graduated, but his plans were derailed due to an academic issue this past winter, which saw him leave the team while his future at the University of Michigan was in question.

While Evans remained confident over the summer, as he coached in his CE Stars 12 7-on-7 youth camps, that he would be able to rejoin the team, behind closed doors, there wasn’t as much rampant optimism. So, it was something of a surprise this week when Evans posted that he was able to rejoin the team, which was confirmed by head coach Jim Harbaugh on Monday.

Though his playing time with Evans is done, as Hudson graduates after this season, he was thrilled for his roommate once he got the news that he could suit up one last time for the maize and blue.

“I was super happy,” Hudson said. “Actually, knew before he even put it out there, because I stay with him. I was just telling him I’m proud of him, how he handled everything. How he stayed strong and how he kept his head. Because other players could really get frustrated with themselves, get out here and start doing anything, some crazy stuff. But he stayed focused, and he just did what he had to do.

“I’m just so proud of him and happy he’s back – working out and stuff. It’s just a good thing to see.”

Evans doesn’t get to rejoin the team just yet, as his suspension lasts until the end of the 2019 season. But, come January, once the 2020 Winter semester starts, he’ll be eligible to suit back up in a winged helmet.

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