Chiefs’ Brendan Daly explains his move to linebackers coach

Brendan Daly’s move to #Chiefs linebackers coach is not so different from Greg Lewis’ move to running backs coach a year ago.

When former linebackers coach Matt House left the Kansas City Chiefs to become defensive coordinator at LSU, the team opted for an in-house replacement in Brendan Daly.

Daly had coached the defensive line in Kansas City for the past three seasons and was also named the defensive run game coordinator a season ago. Why the sudden change in heart with Daly deciding to switch coaching positions? Speaking to the media at OTAs last week, Daly revealed the factors that went into his decision.

“You know, there were a number of things,” Daly explained. “We lost a really good coach in Matt House. I was kind of interested in evolving a little bit, challenging myself in doing something that was a little bit out of my comfort zone. I think that’s how you get better. I think that’s how you grow and improve. That was a big part of it from my perspective. I felt like there were some things that I could add to the group and some continuity that we can maintain with that transition as opposed to having someone from the outside coming in. We were fortunate enough to bring Joe Cullen onto the staff who you just met with I think, and it all worked out really well. I’m excited about it.”

Daly has been coaching in the NFL since 2006 and defensive line coach is the extent of his coaching experience. It’s clear that he sought out a new challenge, actually approaching Andy Reid about making the switch himself.

“Brendan wanted to move on and try something new and he came to me with that,” Reid said. “I think that’s good. I did kind of the same thing with Greg Lewis on the offensive side. I think for these guys growing in their profession I think it’s important if you can do it, if you have that flexibility.”

Reid evoked Greg Lewis making the switch to running backs coach last season. This move is similar in the sense that it won’t only go a long way toward impacting Daly’s career in the future, but it should provide the coaching staff some flexibility should there be any unexpected absences on the staff.

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