Chicagoland program that featured assistant coach with sex offending past now on probation for illegal recruiting

A Chicagoland football coach already under fire for allowing a volunteer coach who was a sex offender to serve on his staff allegedly also committed recruiting violations.

The malaise at Lake Park (Ill.) High School continues, with the school’s football program now facing a year-long probation in connection with a new set of problems unrelated to the assistant coach who allegedly served while on a sex offenders list.

RELATED: Lake Park football head coach out after he allowed sex offender to serve as volunteer coach | Sex offender volunteer football coach at Illinois high school leads to admin. leave for principal, AD

Lark Park football coach Chris Roll has been going from the program for nearly a month in the aftermath of a scandal revolving around an assistant coach who allegedly ducked background checks to serve while also being on lists as a sexual predator. Now it’s been determined that Long himself violated recruiting bylaws during his tenure.

According to the Chicago Tribune, the IHSA itself ruled that Roll had improperly conducted, “outreach to parents and middle school students, some of whom were outside the Lake Park High School attendance area.” The violations reportedly occurred over the span of four years, and have led to a full one-year ban for Roll which will keep him from coaching at any IHSA school in 2020.

While the latest allegations may be unrelated, they combine to form a particularly troubling month for Lake Park, which has seen the principal and athletic director placed on administrative leave and Roll jettisoned permanently.

Suffice to say, the end of November can’t come soon enough for Lake Park.