Check out the brown-to-green transformation at Augusta National in just 10 days

An aerial photo of Augusta National showed the majestic course’s traditional late-September brown look. It’s already green again.

Deep breaths. In and out.

Don’t you feel better now?

As we suggested a little over a week ago, an aerial photo of Augusta National that was making the rounds was simply the majestic course’s traditional late-September look, complete with brown patches. No reason to panic with the first-ever November Masters just over a month away.

Our previous post explained that Bermuda grass can handle intense heat, but it starts to turn brown in the fall when cooler temperatures set in. And although the days have been gorgeous in Augusta of late — with high temperatures in the mid-70s — the nights have gotten chilly, often dipping into the upper 40s.

And that led to the course looking as it did in this aerial photo:

But crews at Augusta National overseeded, dropping the rye grass that gives the course a solid dose of green despite the fall temperatures. The weather has helped — high temperatures are expected to stay near 80 for the next week.

And voila — just 10 days after the photo above, the picture below emerged to put golf enthusiasts at ease.

The course will play differently, for certain, when the world’s best come to town in a few weeks.

Zach Johnson, who won the Masters in 2007, told Golfweek’s Steve DiMeglio last spring that a November setting will still be special.

“My guess is that you would see more Bermuda, but it would still be Augusta National and it would still be pure. It would still be green and it would still be a major championship at Augusta National,” said Johnson.

“And the playability of Augusta National will still be based on Mother Nature, not the grass. It’s Augusta National. It’s going to be pure. You’re going to have great lies; the greens will be pure. It still would be unbelievable.”

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