Chase Winovich violently dispatches of a former Buckeye

Watch the former Michigan football star cast the former Ohio State star aside like a rag doll.

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He might not have gotten to beat Ohio State while at Michigan, so Chase Winovich seems intent to take it out on the Buckeyes now at the professional level.

Since joining the New England Patriots, Winovich has started to build something of a star quality both on and off the field, endearing himself to fans in the Greater Boston area. Well, plays like this certainly will warm the hearts of Pats fans.

And Michigan fans. And NFL fans.

Against the Seattle Seahawks, as Winovich attempted to get to quarterback Russell Wilson, former OSU tailback Carlos Hyde stood in his way. So what does Winovich do? Violently throw him out of the way and get to Wilson anyway.

It was a sight to behold and has the bulk of NFL fans talking in the aftermath.

Winovich isn’t the only former Wolverine in the game that’s gotten people talking. Offensive lineman Michael Onwenu has gotten a lot of play and he even helped spring a Cam Newton touchdown.

So even without Tom Brady, the Patriots are sure to remain Michigan football fan favorites.