Channing Frye blames Anthony Davis for Lakers’ problems

Former NBA big man Channing Frye thinks one man is mostly to blame for all that has gone wrong with the Lakers.

The Los Angeles Lakers are 0-5 after losing to the Minnesota Timberwolves on Friday, and there is no shortage of blame.

According to various people, the Lakers are struggling because (take your pick) Russell Westbrook is still on the team, the roster is poorly constructed, LeBron James and Anthony Davis don’t have enough offensive support around them, James is too old, James doesn’t care about winning anymore and only cares about his own stats, etc.

There is also a contingent of fans and observers who think Davis has caused a good chunk of the Lakers’ problems. They cite his tendency to get injured and what they see as declining performance over the last two years.

Former NBA big man Channing Frye seems to be in that camp.

Via Lakers Daily:

“Frye began by claiming that Anthony Davis needs to shoulder some of the blame for the team’s struggles.

“‘This is not about LeBron,’ Frye began. ‘This is not about Russ. This is about A.D. This is 92% about A.D. He’s the youngest. He has the ability to play three different positions. … A.D., for the last two or three years, might be the worst jump shooter in the NBA.’

“The 39-year-old definitely has a point. Since the start of the 2020-21 campaign, Davis is shooting 22.7% from beyond the arc.

“Frye continued by saying that James is the only Lakers player that shouldn’t be on the trading block.

“‘Other than LeBron, everyone is on the block,’ he said. ‘It’s just the honest truth. … Take Bron and A.D. off the team, and just put Russ on that team. How many games does this team win? 30? This is a awful team.’

“The University of Arizona product went on to argue that Davis is no longer the player he once was when the Lakers won the title back in 2020.

“A.D. won a championship, give him kudos,’ he said. ‘After that championship, he has not shown any traits that he can replicate that (elite level of play).’

“Frye then delved into the mental and physical issues Davis is currently. He concluded by arguing that the core issue is that James, Davis and Westbrook simply don’t go together. It’s something that many Lakers fans have come to accept.

“‘They don’t work together,’ he said. ‘It’s pizza, sushi and chicken shawarma.'”

Some Lakers fans have wanted Davis traded for the reasons Frye outlined. However, the chances of that happening anytime soon are about as high as a snowstorm hitting Los Angeles this winter.

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The big man is averaging 24 points, 9.5 rebounds, 2.8 steals and 2.3 blocked shots while shooting 52.7% from the field so far this season.

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