Celebrate National Fried Chicken Sandwich Day 2023 with 5 deals and free sandwiches on Thursday, Nov. 9

Go get some discounted fried chicken sandwiches on Thursday.

You’re probably surprised about a couple of things: Yes, we JUST celebrated National Sandwich Day, and yes, there’s apparently a separate day to celebrate the fried chicken sandwich, which makes sense because they’re delicious.

So: Happy 2023 National Fried Chicken Sandwich Day!

Why is Nov. 9 National Fried Chicken Sandwich Day? Great question! I don’t have an answer, because I know you’re here to find out about some discounts when it comes to sandwiches, and we want to get to that as fast as possible. I get it.

So here’s a partial list of joints that we’ve found who will give something away or sell you fried chicken sandwiches for less than the usual price: