CBS Sports broadcaster has choice words for Ben Roethlisberger

Nothing like a guy complaining about someone complaining.

Zach Gelb and his comments have me all kinds of riled up this morning. Which is exactly what he wants — irate Steelers fans spreading his drivel all over social media.

Here’s what Gelb had to say on his CBS Sports Radio show, appropriately-titled “The Zach Gelb Show“.

“Big Ben is gonna complain, ‘I didn’t get my bye week when it was supposed to be, so now my bye week happened in Week 4. Boo-hoo-hoo-hoo.'”

“Aw, stop it, Big Ben! Enough of him. You have people who actually have real-life issues this year. People losing jobs, people losing loved ones. People getting diagnosed with this virus and testing positive. And I have to hear Big Ben, ‘We got the short-end of the stick. Boo-hoo-hoo-hoo.’

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“Enough of Big Ben. Stop your bitching, stop your complaining. I don’t want to hear it from Big Ben Roethlisberger. Like, shut-up, please.”

So, let’s get this straight: Zach Gelb is whining about Ben’s “whining.” Okay.

Of course, he’s a broadcaster, and that’s what broadcasters do to get ratings. Gelb is saying what he knows will gain traction and unleash the keyboard warriors. All from his cushy chair at home — or wherever he goes on air from.

Zach Gelb has absolutely NO CLUE about what it’s been like for players in the NFL today — the risks they’re taking to play the game that millions love. Gelb has never played a down of professional football in his life. He has absolutely NO CLUE how this no-fault-of-their-own fiasco has affected the Steelers and the adjustments they’ve had to make, how upending the schedule has left them at a major competitive disadvantage.

And even though Gelb is a member of the media, it’s clear he did not prep for this blithering segment. He has no clue that Ben’s “short-end of the stick” comment was in response to a question that literally asked, “Do you feel like you guys got the short end of the stick?” Ben didn’t just come out and start randomly “bitching” to the press, he was prompted.

The question was not about his feelings on the global pandemic or people losing jobs and lives. So for Gelb to frame it like Ben doesn’t care about the bigger picture of the environment we all live in is utter nonsense.

These are professional football players. They aren’t on the front lines saving lives. But they are, in a sense, “essential workers,” who have all chosen to play instead of opt-out. Why? Because it’s what they love doing and they’re keeping the millions of football fans entertained. I’m not blind; the money is impetus enough. The bottom line is, they are making sacrifices and rolling with the punches.

So, thanks, Ben. Thanks, Pittsburgh Steelers. Because as small as football is in the grand scheme of things, I honestly would be bored to tears without it.

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