Caron Butler: What do I mean by that, …

Caron Butler: What do I mean by that, Alex? When you think about the old Jim Crow laws and the new Jim Crow laws, when you think about slavery, when you think about mass incarceration, when you think about the civil rights movement… This is how we got here, because a lot of people don’t understand how we got here. This is how we got here. Think about all of the inequality that hasn’t been captured on film. Emmett Till, Medgar Evers and so many others. Then, all of a sudden, now we’re at a place where [we’re saying], “Look at this! Look, America! This is what we’re dealing with!” And now we ask you, as a society and as elected officials, to make sure that this doesn’t happen again. Make an example out of these individuals that did this to human beings and expedite the justice process. Because this justice has not been had for far too long.