Cam Newton explains why Bill Belichick’s presence is ’empowering’

Cam Newton feels empowered being around Bill Belichick.

As the New England Patriots trudge through a difficult 2-5 season, quarterback Cam Newton and coach Bill Belichick continue to show appreciation for one another.

Belichick has been consistent in praising Newton’s work ethic, indicating that Newton was staying after practice and studying film

With Newton having a reputation for staying in the Patriots facilities, the quarterback gets to see and experience the preparation of Belichick frequently. In speaking to the media on Friday, Newton said that the head coach’s work ethic and preparation for each game motivates and empowers him to be the best he can be.

“For me to witness, it is something that is empowering because, I see a side of Coach Bill that a lot of people may not see,” Newton told reporters Friday. “I see him outside the coaching mode and he’s doing cardio, he’s doing this, he’s walking around, and he’s always locked in. And it was described to me as having that mental competitive stamina, and he probably has that, at his age, more than, you know, anybody than I’ve ever known.”

The Monday night contest against the Jets is pivotal game for both head coach and quarterback. It will be interesting to see if the admiration Newton has for his coach can carry over to his play on the field.

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