Browns WR Jarvis Landry slams the ownership CBA proposal

Jarvis Landry sends an ominous message on the CBA proposal from owners to players

Browns wide receiver Jarvis Landry is apparently not a fan of the ownership proposal presented to the NFLPA. The owners approved a proposal towards a new collective bargaining agreement, but the leadership of the players’ union rejected it by a close margin.

Consider Landry part of the margin that helped defeat the proposal vote. “Juice” sounded off on Twitter with a rather ominous message about his feelings towards a proposal that includes a 17-game schedule, a slight increase in the percentage of revenues designated for players and new structures on several other bargaining points.

Landry wasn’t the only prominent player up in arms about the ownership proposal. Richard Sherman, J.J. Watt and others also resoundingly rejected the proposal on social media platforms.