Browns vs. Bengals: Who wins the uniform matchup this Sunday?

Who will have the superior aesthetic when the Browns and Bengals take the field tomorrow?

The Cleveland Browns are looking to make it three straight wins as they travel just a few hours south to take on the Cincinnati Bengals. Before the actual game is played, there is an important matchup that needs to be decided first: the uniform matchup. Who takes home the hardware here between the Browns vs. Bengals?

The Browns will once again roll out their orange pants against the Bengals tomorrow. They did so in the Halloween blowout win, and this time they are stacking the white uniform on top of them.

This look is crisp and clean and hard to top.

The Bengals will be wearing their black uniforms on white pants. This combination is not quite as appealing to the eye as the Browns’ combination as the Bengals are sporting three different colors from top to bottom. The orange helmet, black uniform, and white pants are just too many colors.

This uniform matchup goes to the Browns in a landslide. Clear eyes, orange pants, can’t lose.

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