Browns: Sports Illustrated makes bold prediction for Deshaun Watson’s 2024 performance

One publications believes Watson will have a monster year

So far, quarterback Deshaun Watson hasn’t been great for the Cleveland Browns, and there is no arguing it’s been a disappointment. That being said, he can put all of that behind him if he returns to Pro Bowl form in 2024, which multiple people believe will happen.

In a recently published article for Sports Illustrated, Conor Orr made a proclamation that elite Watson will return in the fall.

“Deshaun Watson will throw for 32 touchdowns and run for another 10… Speaking of the Browns, this is the year we’ll get the on-field season we’ve expected from Deshaun Watson since his arrival in Cleveland. Despite the team bolstering its roster with two veteran quarterbacks who both have a heap of starting experience (Jameis Winston and Tyler Huntley), and jettisoning Joe Flacco to prevent fan sentiment from railroading Watson’s comeback, Watson will be able to piece himself together after offseason shoulder surgery and have the season that some who still root for the team have hoped for.”

If Watson were to hit these numbers, it would easily be the best season a Browns quarterback has had since the return. It would likely mean the team makes another playoff appearance if their quarterback scores more than 40 touchdowns.

I personally am cautiously optimistic about Watson and wouldn’t be that shocked if he has a season like the one predicted above.