Browns safety Ronnie Harrison helps stranded motorist change tire on Cleveland freeway

Browns safety Ronnie Harrison may be new to Cleveland, but one Cleveland motorist is grateful he was there last Thursday.

The Jaguars selected Alabama safety Ronnie Harrison in the third round of the 2018 draft, and then traded him to the Browns in early September for a fifth-round pick as part of their “Everything Must Go!” off-season fire sale.

Harrison hasn’t had much time to get acclimated to the subtleties of the Browns’ defense, but he’s already become an honorable member of the Cleveland community.

Per Camryn Justice of News 5 Cleveland, a man named Michael Cutlip was driving home on Thursday evening on I-80 when his car started to veer to the right.

“I had a tire that just exploded. It went rolling, separated from the wheel and went rolling off of the car, down over the side of the road,” Cutlip said.

Harrison, who was driving behind Cutlip, pulled over to see how he could help. Cutlip didn’t know the good Samaritan’s profession at first; he was just grateful for the assistance.

Eventually, as the two men talked and Harrison revealed that he was new to the city, the story came out.

“I saw a bunch of cars start to slow down and get over and I kept looking. As I got closer, I’d seen where a tire had come off the car and was rolling beside the car.

“I asked him if he had a jack. He didn’t have one, so I had one in the back of my truck so I grabbed it and helped him, lifted it up, changed the tire for him, helped him out real quick and made sure he was okay. I just wanted to make sure he was cool.”

Cutlip called Harrison a hero, and one of the most respectful people he’s met in a long time.

“I really appreciate what he did, it was amazing what he did,” he said. “I’m so thankful that he was there at that time.”

It was no big deal to Harrison, who said that’s just the way he was brought up.

“That’s how my mom raised me. Be helpful, be kind to people, be respectful, help others, treat people the way you want to be treated—that’s what I always heard growing up,” Harrison said. “It just goes to show a little goes a long way, just being kind to people, just being there to help others.”

Cutlip just hope Harrison knows how grateful he is for the help.

“[I would] thank him extremely for what he did for me and wish him well with the year,” Cutlip concluded.

Harrison has played just eight coverage snaps through the Browns’ first two games, per Pro Football Focus, but he may get more opportunities against Washington on Sunday.