Browns establish their social justice leadership council

Myles Garrett led the charge to organize and direct responses to social justice issues

The Cleveland Browns took time on Thursday to address the social justice movement sweeping across the sports landscape in the wake of the police shooting of unarmed Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The players, coaches and management all decided to halve the on-field practice and use the rest of the time to focus on how the Browns should address the ongoing racial and educational divides in the country.

One of the outcomes is the establishment of a social justice leadership committee. The Browns selected several players to head up the team’s responses to off-field events that impact the team and the greater community.

Spearheaded by Myles Garrett, who led the charge to organize and act, the committee also includes Baker Mayfield, Joel Bitonio, Odell Beckham Jr., Olivier Vernon, Chris Hubbard, Jarvis Landry, Sheldrick Redwine, Charley Hughlett, Kendall Lamm and Larry Ogunjobi.