Broncos hopeful for a full season during COVID-19 pandemic

“I hope the news that comes in day to day remains positive . . . I’m very hopeful that we can play,” Broncos GM John Elway said.

NFL teams across the country have started training camps amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Football is hoping to follow the lead of European soccer leagues that finished their seasons during the coronavirus.

The Broncos are taking extra precautions to try to keep players, coaches and staff safe. If everyone follows the NFL’s safety guidelines, a season could be played.

“We’ve got a real chance to have a competitive advantage if we can all follow the protocols and the procedures and do right by wearing a mask and six-foot distancing and everybody wears the tracking device when they’re at the facilities, all of that kind of stuff,” team president/CEO Joe Ellis said during a Zoom conference call on July 28. “We have a chance, but if you stray from that, there’s going to be problems.”

Denver general manager John Elway was asked during a call on Tuesday if he expects the NFL to be able to complete a full season.

“Believe me, I don’t look that far ahead,” Elway said. “I’m glad we can get where we are right now, and I hope the news that comes in day to day remains positive and we can continue to move forward with it. I don’t have a prediction. I’m very hopeful that we can play.

“I think the players want to play and the fans, whether it’s at home, want to watch football. We’re hopeful that we can figure out the best way to attack this that allows us to go out and play football.”

The Broncos are scheduled to face the Titans on ESPN in Week 1.

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