Brok Weaver wishes Jason Knight luck at BKFC 9 by sharing old bathroom fight video

We know Jason Knight can scrap inside the cage or ring – but find out how he fared against two opponents in a bathroom stall.

Over the years, [autotag]Jason Knight[/autotag] has endeared himself to MMA and bare knuckle boxing fans alike for his balls-to-the-wall, brawling style.

His signature trash talk and disregard for his own safety have made him appear, at times, as if he was in a street fight instead of the cage or ring. The parallel can be even further drawn now that an actual video of Knight brawling in the civilian world has been posted on social media. This is all thanks to Knight’s buddy, UFC lightweight [autotag]Brok Weaver[/autotag].

Tuesday, Weaver posted an Instagram video of Knight engaging in a bathroom altercation with two unknown adversaries. Along with the video, Weaver hyped Knight’s upcoming fight against Artem Lobov at BKFC 9.

The video didn’t include sound, nor were any other details about the bathroom fight revealed.

Check out the video of Knight battling two unknown opponents inside a bathroom stall (courtesy of Weaver’s Instagram):

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