Brian Kelly’s SportsCenter Appearance – 5 Things

Notre Dame head football coach Brian Kelly was a guest on SportsCenter Monday night and shared some news in regards to Notre Dame football.

Brian Kelly joined Scott Van Pelt on SportsCenter on Monday night and discussed a wide array of topics.  If you didn’t catch the interview don’t sweat it, we’ve got you covered right here with the five things to takeaway.

On Social Issues:

Van Pelt led Kelly to start the conversation by discussing the current state of affairs in the United States in the wake of the unnecessary death of George Floyd.  Kelly offered the following on what went on with his team in the days immediately following that event.

“Dialogue.  It started with getting everyone together and to give them the platform to speak on what happened”

Kelly went on to add that he has “failed as a leader” of young men because he hasn’t done enough with his platform to help change things for the better.

In order to create this change we all claim to want, Kelly stated: “It can’t be talk, it’s got to be action”

Next:  “White men don’t like talking about racism”