Brandon Scherff getting tips about health and longevity from Ryan Kerrigan

Brandon Scherff is an incredible talent, but he’s recently sought out tips from Ryan Kerrigan on how to stay healthy longer.

We all know that Washington’s star right guard Brandon Scherff has the talent to be one of the best linemen in all of the NFL, but one thing that has plagued him over the years is his health.

During his first two years in the season, Scherff played 32 of 32 games, making it to the Pro Bowl in his second season, but since then he’s been forced to sit out 16 games because of injuries. When talking to media members on Wednesday, Scherff said that he isn’t doing much differently this year around to protect against that, but he has bee picking the brain of one player in Washington who is well known for his ability to stay on the field for an incredible amount of time — Ryan Kerrigan.

Kerrigan, the Ironman of the NFL, had his perfect streak of consecutive games broken at 139 straight in 2019 after suffering a minor injury near the end of the season. If we could figure out a way for Scherff to stay on the field with that level of consistency, there’s no doubt he would rise to be one of the greatest offensive linemen of all time.

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